Olimpia Bera
Freelance visual artistWORK EXPERIENCE
October 2017 – present Assistant Professor
The University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca
Fine Arts Faculty, Master degree Study Program, Painting Department (www.uad.ro)
▪ Teaching activities
Business or sector: University Education
October 2014 – June 2017
Assistant Professor
The University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca
Decorative Arts and Design Faculty, Textile Arts – Textile Design Department (www.uad.ro)
Teaching activities
Business or sector: University Education
October 2013 – May 2014 Associated Teacher
The University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca
Decorative Arts and Design Faculty, Textile Arts – Textile Design Department (www.uad.ro)
▪ Teaching activities
Business or sector: University Education
October 2013 – present Collaborator
The University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca
Community Programs Office – Sectorial Erasmus Plus Program, (www.uad.ro)
▪ Assistant of Community Programs Coordinator
Business or sector University Education
Novembre 2016 – April 2017 Curator, art advisor
IAGA Contemporary Art ((International Art Gallery Angels), Cluj-Napoca.
curator and coordinator – art projects
Business or sector: Visual Art
February 2014 – May 2018 Curator
The Visual Kontakt Gallery, Oradea (RO)/ Cluj-Napoca/ Ulm (DE) (www.visualkontakt.ro)
▪ Author, curator and coordinator – art projects
Business or sector: Visual Art
October 2007- March 2008 Journalist, Illustrator
”Agenda Clujeana”, Cluj-Napoca
Business or sector: Journalism, cartoon, illustration.
September 2005 – June 2006 Associated Art Teacher
“Liviu Rebreanu” General School, n° 1 Moldoveanu street and “Constantin Brancusi” General School, n° 1 Horticultorilor street, Cluj-Napoca
▪ Associated Teaching art, creative activities
Business or sector: Pre-university education
October 2007 – January 2013 PhD in field of Fine and Decorative Arts ISCED level 6
The University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca (www.uad.ro)
▪ Thesis Title: ”Baroque genealogy of the hero”, painting and theoretical research that contributes to contemporary social knowledge in Art
October 2005 – June 2007 Master in Fine and Decorative Arts – Exploration in Fine and Decorative Arts ISCED level 5
The University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca (www.uad.ro)
▪ Easel Graphics
October 2001 – June 2005 Bachelor Degree in Fine and Decorative Arts ISCED level 5
The University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca (www.uad.ro)
▪ Specialization: Graphics
September 1997 – July 2001 High School Diploma ISCED level 4
„Romulus Ladea” High School of Fine Arts, Cluj-Napoca
▪ Certified Professional – Specialty Graphics
Mother tongue Romanian
Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
English C2 C1 B2 B2 B1
Spanish A2 A2 A1 A1 A1
Italian B2 B2 B2 B1 B1
French A2 B1 A1 A1 A1
Levels: A1/2: Basic user – B1/2: Independent user – C1/2 Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Technical skills and competences ▪ Multiplication techniques in easel graphics: lithography, woodcut, linocut, etching, Aquatint, screen printing, monotype.
Artistic skills and competences ▪ Competent with Easel Graphics, Easel Painting, Graphic illustration, Comics.
▪ Easel painting.
Computer skills ▪ Good command of Microsoft Office™ tools.
▪ Photoshop.
Solo Exhibitions
In Romania
2018 February-March – Endless game, painting,The Art Museum in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
2016 March – Unnatural circumstances, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Cluj, Romania.
2013 January – Panta Rei, painting, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Oradea, Romania.
2012 January – Baroque genealogy of the hero (public presentation of the PhD thesis), painting, National Art Museum Cluj-Napoca.
2010 May – Crossing, painting, Culture Hall,Târgu-Jiu.
2018 April-June – Endless game, 54 Arte Contemporanea gallery, Molfetta, Italy.
2012 November – Transit, painting, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Ulm, Germany.
2011 September – Eroi e rovine, painting, Locali ex-Upim Gallery, Macerata, Italy.
Group Exhibitions
2019 – January – February, Cérémonie des voeux, “L’art s’invite dans l’industrie”, painting, industrial space of Energom SRL, Group Gonzales, artists: Ioan Sbârciu, Kudor Duka István, Georgeta-Olimpia Bera, Cristian Lăpuşan, Gagyi Botond, Mihai Guleş, Raluca Iancău, Oana Nastasache, Cristian Avram, Emma Păvăloaie, Alina Lelijak, Ionela Blaj, Leonardo Silaghi, Marius Fodor.
2018- December – February 2019, Active Traditions, multimedia, Museum of de Art in Cluj-Napoca; the exhibition contained works from the museum archive and from the invited artists: Ioan Sbârciu, Alexandra Mureșan, Ciprian Mureșan, Marius Bercea, Elena Ilash, Olimpia Bera.
2018 – October – Blind Date, multimedia, Museum of de Art in Cluj-Napoca, artists: Ioan Sbârciu, Georgeta-Olimpia Bera, Kudor-Istvan Duka, Ioana Popa, Ioana Olăhuț, Cristian Lăpușan, Veres Szabolcs, Dan Măciucă, Andrei Câmpan, Alina staicu, alina Lelijak,, Maria Sisea, Silvia Mateescu, Raluca Iancău, Vlad Olariu, Nicoleta Tarcea, Lucian Nicoară, Gaspar Szilard, Leonardo Silaghi, Mirce But.
2018 – July-September– (Open studio) Atelier Deschis, multimedia, Galeria Casa Matei, Cluj-Napoca.
2017 December – UAP Winter Salon, The Art Museum, Cluj-Napoca.
2017 October-November – Breaking rules, painting, The Art Museum Cluj-Napoca, Botanical Garden ”Alexandru Borza”, Cluj-Napoca.
2017 August-September – (From the dream of the sleeping muse…) Din visul muzei adormite…, painting, Casa Matei Gallery, Cluj-Napoca.
2017 June – (What does Penelope do?) Ce mai face Penelopa?, painting, Casa Matei Gallery, Cluj-Napoca.
2016 December– UAP Winter Salon, The Art Museum, Cluj-Napoca.
2011 June – Painting/Unpainting, painting, Art Museum, Satu Mare.
2010 December – painting, “Ioan Sima” museum, Zalău.
2007 December – UAP Winter Salon, painting, The Art Museum, Cluj-Napoca.
2006 October – Plumb Pretext – Aplomb, installation, Matei House, Cluj-Napoca.
2006 July – Little Prince, painting, The Art Museum, Satu Mare.
2006 April – Plumb Pretext, installation, Art Museum, Cluj-Napoca.
2004 November – As is when. British Graphic 60s, serigraphy, “Octavian Goga” County Library, Cluj-Napoca.
2003 April – Student spring, painting, „ Students Cultural House”, Cluj-Napoca.
2018 Noiembrie- Decembrie – Sottobosco, multimedia, Muzeum of Art in Cluj-Napoca, exhibition trilogy , curator: Antonello Tolve. Artists: Ioan Sbârciu, Enzo Cucchi (The Rustling of the Forest and the Wind), Georgeta-Olimpia Bera, Kudor Duka István, Cristian Lăpușan, Anca Bodea Mureșan, Andrea Salvino (On the Scarlet Canvas of the Sky), Veronica Bisesti, Gagyi Botond, Dario Carratta, Giovanni De Cataldo, Luca Grechi, Mihai Guleș, Andrei Ispas, Tincuța Marin, Alexandra Mureșan, Oana Nastasache, Emma Păvăloaia, Jacopo Pinelli, Lucian Popăilă, Marcel Rusu, Andrei Sclifos (In the Crystal Coolness of the Morning).
2018 May– 17 Reasons – multimedia, The Art Museum Cluj-Napoca.
2017 November – Con-front East/Painting from Cluj, RIVAA Gallery, Roosevelt Island, New York, USA (organized by UAD in partnership with The Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR) New York).
2017 October-November – The school of Cluj, Painting & Graphic arts, Neon Gallery, Wroclaw, Poland.
2017 July-August – The School Of Cluj, painting/sculpture, Pecsi Galeria, Pecs, Hungary.
2016 November – T.A.N.G.O. – turning art now gliding over, painting, Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu Galeria za Szkłem, Poland.
2016 November – The Cutting Edge, 2nd edition, mixed media, Art Museum, Cluj-Napoca.
2013 December – (De)generation, painting, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Oradea.
2013 November – The Cutting Edge, 2nd edition, painting, Art Museum, Cluj-Napoca.
2011 September – November –Morlotti-Imbersago Painting Biennial, painting, the XIIIth edition, Imbersago, Italy.
2007 October – “Animation Day” International Animation Festival, comics: Harap-Alb, Târgu Mureș.
2006 October – International Salon of Comics, comics: Harap-Alb, the XVIth edition, Bucharest.
2006 September – 50 years after the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, mail-art, Budapest, Hungary.
Curatorial Activity
Solo and group projects
2018 April-May – 1436 km, multimedia, Space 52 gallery, Athens, Greece, artișts: Aphrodite Andreou, Melina Antypas, Mihai Gules, Andrei Ispas, Iliana Kapoutsou, Salma Koudsi, Panagiotis Lezes, Pinelopi Likogianni, Andrei Nutu, Emma Pavaloaia, Andrei Sclifos, Evi Ilectra Seferiadi, Areti Skavantzou, Irene Vlavianou, Konstantina Votsika, Andreea Zimbru.
2017 December – #808080, multimedia, Liviu Bulea, IAGA Contemporary Art, Cluj-Napoca.
2017 December – Illato Lumine, multimedia, Archivio Mena Binga, Roma, artist: Ioan Sbîrciu (co-author)..
2017 November – Con-front East/Painting from Cluj, RIVAA Gallery, Roosevelt Island, New York, USA. Artists: Ioan Sbârciu, Ioana Olăhuț, Andrei Ciurdărescu, Anca Bodea, Olimpia Bera, Cristian Lăpușan, Kudor Istvan Duka.
2017 October- Ianuarie – Dead Gardens, multimedia, Visual Kontakt Gallery, artists: Bronwyn Lace, Marcus Neustetter, Ioana Olăhuț, Alexandra Mureșan, Liviu Bulea, Dionisis Cristofilogiannis.
2017 October – Breaking Rules, multimedia, group of exhibitions, group and solo shows of the artists of UAD Cluj-Napoca, organized with the partnersip of the European Contemorary Art Centre in Cluj-Napoca (ECCA), in the museums in Cluj-Napoca: National Art Museum, The History Museum of Transylvania, The Pharmacy Museum, The Etnographic Museum, The museums of Babes-Bolyai University (Mineralogy, History, Botanical Garden, Paleonthology, Vivarium).
2017 June – Goodbye expectations, multimedia, artist: Oana Clițan, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Cluj, România..
2017 Apri – Celebrating life, multimedia, artist: Hermann Nitsch, IAGA Gallery (International Art Gallery Angels), Cluj-Napoca, România (co-author).
2017 March – Aiming through glimmers, glass/metal, artist: Alexadra Mureșan, IAGA Gallery (International Art Gallery Angels), Cluj-Napoca, România (co-auhtor).
2017 February – Time within, multimedia, artist: Tudor Câmpean, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Cluj, România.
2017 January – Land(e)scape, photography, artist: Loránd Vakarcs, IAGA gallery (International Art Gallery Angels), Cluj-Napoca, România.
2016 November – (Times and Genesis)Timpuri și geneze, mixed media, artists: Liu Bolin, Angela Corti, Franco Fontana, Alexandra Muresan, Sabina Elena Dragomir, Francesco Arecco, Giorgio Tentolini, Silvia Inselvini, Marcello de Angelis,Galimberti Maurizio, Gabriela Elena David, Mihai Vrabies, Mimmo Iacopino,Marcello Gobbi, Nicola Vinci; Art Museum, Cluj-Napoca.
2016 November – Eadem Mutata Resurgo, mixed media, instalation, artist: Silvia Insevini, IAGA gallery (International Art Gallery Angels), Cluj-Napoca.
2016 November – Il movimento delle cose, mixed media, artists: Carla Accardi, Sam Francis, Emilio Scanavino, Ioan Sbârciu, Victor Vasarely, Emilio Vedova, A.R.Penck, Bruno Munari, Rainer Arnulf, Keith Hering, Dadamaino, Gino de Dominicis, Shiraga Kazuo, Manfredo Massironi, César; Art Museum, Cluj-Napoca.
2016 May – Haus&Haut, installation, mixed media, artist: Kurt von Blay, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Cluj.
2016 November – No Man on the Moon, mixed media, artist: Marcel Rusu, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Cluj.
2015 February – Random dreams, photography, artist: Stefan Badulescu, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Oradea.
2014 November – Unrelieved, Graphics, artist: Alice Iliescu, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Oradea.
2014 September – Nephila atrata, sculpture installation, artist: Maria Sicoie, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Oradea.
2014 May – White shadows, painting, artist: Ioana Iacob, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Oradea.
2014 March – LKT Konektivitet, multimedia installation, artist: Constantin Stoian, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Oradea.
2013 Decembrie – (De)generație, multimedia, group exhibition, artists: Ada Muntean, Alina Staicu, Andrei Ciurdărescu, Carlos Carmonamedina, Gabriel Miloia, Maria Sicoie, Radu Băieș, Raluca Avrămuț, Olimpia Bera, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Oradea.
2013 November – # OtherSides, multimedia installation, artist: Carlos Carmonamedina, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Oradea.
2013 October – Dream Traces, graphics, artist: Ada Muntean, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Oradea.
2013 September – Relativität, sculpture installation, artist: Maria Sicoie, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Ulm, Germany.
2013 September – Sold Out!, multimedia installation, artist: Liviu Bulea, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Oradea.
2013 July – Interfaces, graphics, artist: Ada Muntean, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Ulm, Germany.
2013 June – Sabotage, fashion design installation, artist: Astrid Țîrlea, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Ulm, Germany.
2013 May – Electric Haiku, installation, artist: Raluca Avrămuț, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Oradea.
2013 April – Just Kidding, painting, artist: Oana Damian, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Oradea.
2013 February – The capitalist pig and the honest rabbit, painting, artist: Ioana Olăhuț, Visual Kontakt Gallery, Oradea.
Art projects conducted within Visual Kontakt Laboratory
2015 – June – Local Municipalities, exhibitions ensemble (projects: Gabriel Miloia – Green Tree, /Maria Sicoie – Public Figure, Astrid Tirlea – Consortium, Ada Muntean – Perifeeric, curatorial project: Carlos Carmonamedina – Local Municipalities), Visual Kontakt Laboratory, Oradea.
2014 June – Bad colors, installation, Visual Kontakt Laboratory, Oradea.
2013 November – Orthodox is Better, installation, Visual Kontakt Laboratory, Oradea.
2013 September – Harvest IInd, installation, Visual Kontakt Laboratory, Oradea.
2013 August – Harvest Ist, installation, Visual Kontakt Laboratory, Oradea.
2013 May – A touch of childhood, installation, Visual Kontakt Laboratory, Oradea.
2013 March – Hide & Seek, installation, Visual Kontakt Laboratory, Oradea.
2013 March – Spring head, installation, Visual Kontakt Laboratory, Oradea.
2013 March – Romanian homophobia Week, concept, Visual Kontakt Laboratory, Oradea.
Participations, Workshops
2017 Novembre – Dead Gardens, multimedia, artists: Bronwyn Lace, Marcus Neustetter, Ioana Olăhuț, Alexandra Mureșan, Liviu Bulea, Dionisis Cristofilogiannis, artist-talk/conference, Casa Matei, UAD, Cluj-Napoca.
2014 March – April – Green & Brown, land art,”Erasmus” Intensive Program, initiaded by “Accademia di Belli Arti di Macerata”, Ushant Island, France.
2013 August – The Cutting Edge, the 2nd edition, International art camp, organized by the Art Act Cultural Association from Cluj-Napoca, Beliș, Fânânele, Cluj County.
2013 June – Green & Brown, land art,”Erasmus” Intensive Program , organized by Accademia di Belli Arti di Macerata, Macerata, Italy.
2011 July – August – Aperitivi culturali, scenography project, organized in collaboration with “Accademia di Belli Arti di Macerata” for “Sferisterio Opera Festival” (SOF), the 47th Lyric Stage, Macerata, Italy.
2011 July – Ars in Fabula, training course in book illustration, Accademia di Belle Arti, Macerata, Italy.
2010 April – Cartoons, organized by the French Cultural Center in Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca.
2004 November – As is when, workshop de serigraphy, organized by the British Council in Timisoara and the British Council in Cluj-Napoca, Timișoara.
2004 October – Creative camp, lithography, organized by the University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca, Miskolc, Hungary.
National and International Programs 2017- November – co-responsible of an art project, as initiator of the exhibition concept and curator: Con-front East/Painting from Cluj, organized by Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR) New York and materialized in a group exhibition at RIVAA Gallery, New York, USA.
2017 August – Art Residence, Essaouira Contemporary Art Centre, Ifitry, Maroc.
2016 – 2017 – coordinator and developer of the Art Pedagogy Study Program within the University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca.
2017 August-September – Erasmus+ Staff Teaching Mobility, Centro Creativo QUINTA DEL SORDO, Madrid, Spain.
2017 December – Erasmus+ Staff Teaching Mobility, Universita degli studi Roma Tre, Roma, Italia
2016 September – Erasmus+ Staff Teaching Mobility, Accademia di Belle Arti, Bari, Italy
2015 October – Erasmus+ Staff Teaching Mobility, Accademia di Belle Arti, Macerata, Italy.
2015 August – Erasmus+ Staff Training Mobility , ProEvent Cultural Association, Rome, Italy.
2012 November – Artistic residence, organized by Visual Kontakt Gallery Oradea at The Academy of Dramatic Arts (Akademie für darstellende Kunst – adk) in Ulm, Germany.
2012 July – September – „Erasmus” placement mobility, Accademia di Belle Arti, Macerata, Italy.
2003 October – December – CEEPUS Study scholarship (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies), Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Krakowie im. Jana Matejki (ASP), Krakow, Poland.
Specialty positions Member of The Fine Artists Union in Romania (UAP), Cluj Branch.
Catalogues/ Published articles
Catalogues for solo and group exhibitions
2018, November – Sottobosco, catalogue dedicated to the exhibition trilogy of the 70th aniversary of the artist Ioan Sbârciu (Ioan Sbâricu&Enzo Cucchi, special guest: Markus Lupertz), ISBN 978-973-0-28191-0.
2017 December – #808080, multimedia, Liviu Bulea, IAGA Contemporary Art, Cluj-Napoca.
2017 December – Illato Lumine, multimedia, Archivio Mena Binga, Roma, artist: Ioan Sbîrciu (co-author).
2017 November – Con-front East/Painting from Cluj, RIVAA Gallery, Roosevelt Island, New York, USA. Artists: Ioan Sbârciu, Ioana Olăhuț, Andrei Ciurdărescu, Anca Bodea, Olimpia Bera, Cristian Lăpușan, Kudor Istvan Duka. (co-author).
2017, February – Land(e)scape, IAGA Contemporary Art. Artist: Lorand Vakarcs; IAGA , Cluj-Napoca, (co-author).
2017, Martie – Aiming through glimmers, IAGA Contemporary Art. Artist: Alexandra Mureșan; IAGA , Cluj-Napoca, (co-author).
2017, Aprilie – Celebrating life, IAGA Contemporary Art. Artist: Hemnann Nitsch, IAGA , Cluj-Napoca, (co-author).
2017, Ianuarie – Times and genesis, IAGA Contemporary Art. Artiști: Sabina Dragomir, Francesco Arecco, Giorgio Tentolini, Silvia Inselvini, Marcello de Angelis,Galimberti Maurizio, Gabriela Elena David, Mihai Vrabies, Mimmo Iacopino,Marcello Gobbi, Nicola Vinci (co-author).
2017, Ianuarie – Il movimento delle cose, IAGA Contemporary Art. Artiști: Carla Accardi, Sam Francis, Emilio Scanavino, Ioan Sbârciu, Victor Vasarely, Emilio Vedova, A.R.Penck, Bruno Munari, Rainer Arnulf, Keith Hering, Dadamaino, Gino de Dominicis, Shiraga Kazuo, Manfredo Massironi, César, (co-author).
2016, Decembre- 2017, January – UAP’s Annual Art Gallery, ISBN 978-973-0-24722-0, Cluj-Napoca, 2017.
Articles in professional journals
2016 September – The Faces of Alterity. Insanity and Psychopatology in Art, IRREGULAR journal, VOL. 1, ISSUE 1, 2016, Research about, through and for Art, ISSN-L 2537-2580 pp. 71 – 90, www.irregularjournal.ro.
2014 June – Orthodox is better (coauthor), Samizdat (Orthodox is better), the 3rd Year, nr. 16, p. 11, contemporary art magazine, Oradea.
2014 June – Orthodox is much better, Samizdat (Orthodox is better), the 3rd Year, nr. 16, p. 17, contemporary art magazine, Oradea.
2014 June – Gold Cross Order, Samizdat (Orthodox is better), the 3rd Year, nr. 16, p. 47, contemporary art magazine, Oradea.
2014 May – Witness at the end of the world (“Martor la capătul lumii”), www.samizdatonline.ro, the 25th of May 2014.
2014 February – The Biennale as a Sum and Reverse (“Bienala ca sumă și revers”), www.samizdatonline.ro, the 12th of February 2014.
2014 February – The Price of Freedom (“Prețul libertății”), www.samizdatonline.ro, the 4th of February 2014.
2013 December – Recolta – Harvest II, Samizdat (Harvest), the 2nd Year, n° 15, p. 27, contemporary art magazine, Oradea.
2013 December – Harvest Ozosep, Samizdat (Harvest), the 2nd Year, n° 15, p. 31, contemporary art magazine, Oradea.
2013 December – The Biennale as a Sum and Reverse (“Bienala ca sumă și revers”), Samizdat (Harvest), the 2nd Year, n° 15, p. 63, contemporary art magazine, Oradea.
2013 April – Just kidding (de Oana Damian), statement, Samizdat (Lies), the 2nd Year, n° 14, p. 6, contemporary art magazine, Oradea.
2013 April – Maybe yes, maybe not, statement, Samizdat (Lies), the 2nd Year, n° 14, p. 39, contemporary art magazine, Oradea.
2013 March – Hide and Seek, statement, Samizdat (Sabotage), the 2nd Year, n° 13, p. 5, contemporary art magazine, Oradea.
2013 March – Romanian homophobia Week, statement, Samizdat (Sabotage), the 2nd Year, n° 13, p. 9, contemporary art magazine, Oradea.
2013 March – Sabotage as a natural (art) mechanism, Samizdat (Sabotage), the 2nd Year, n° 31, p. 9, contemporary art magazine, Oradea.
2013 March – United under the dome of silence, Samizdat (Sabotage), the 2nd Year, n° 13, p. 80, contemporary art magazine, Oradea.
2013 February – The HairSniffing Project (de Szeghalmi Örs), statement, Samizdat (United States of Arts vs. Etc.), the 2nd Year, n° 12, p. 21, contemporary art magazine, Oradea.
Illustrated books
2014 – Illustration and cover – Mary’s Dream, Cristina Plămădeală, Eikon Publisher, Cluj-Napoca.
2012 – Illustration and cover – Rajahstan, Eugen Cojocaru, trilingual edition (Romanian-English-German), Eikon Publisher, Cluj-Napoca.
2010 – Illustration and cover – Stolen Love and Other Stories, Mihai Oltean, Eikon Publisher, Cluj-Napoca.
2010 – Illustration – The cricket’s truths, Mihaela Dobrinescu, Eikon Publisher, Cluj-Napoca.
2010 – Author – Domino the cat – Coloring and story book, Georgeta-Olimpia Lazar, Dacia Publisher, Cluj-Napoca.